Klinik für Anästhesiologie

Direktor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Werner



Verschiedene wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten


Projektleiter: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Behl, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kristin Engelhard, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Mittmann

Functional Role of the Proteasome and Autophagic Protein Degradation System in Neuronal Homeostasis Following Traumatic Brain Injury (SP A07) - SFB 1080/1 "Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neural Homeostasis"

extern begutachtetes Forschungsprojekt

Laufzeit: 2013-2016
Projektleiter: Dr. Marc Bodenstein


In einer prospektiven, multizentrischen Studie wird der Einfluss der Versorgungsqualität (Prozess- und Strukturqualität) auf das Outcome bei ARDS-Patienten untersucht.

Laufzeit: 2015-2016
Projektleiter: PD Dr. Marc Bodenstein, Dr. Michael Schuster

Screening of postoperative pulmonal complications after upper abdominal operations in ICU patients using the electrical impedance tomography

Das primäre Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens ist die Überprüfung folgender Hypothese: Der Unterschied der regionalen Ventilationsverteilung zwischen prä- und postoperativer Messungen mittels elektrischer Impedanztomographie (EIT) sagt bei Patienten mit elektiver Oberbauchchirurgie sensitiv und spezifisch das Auftreten von postoperativen pulmonalen Komplikationen (PPC) voraus (Endpunkt). Sensitivität und Spezifität der EIT-Messungen sollen mittels AUC unter der ROC-Kurve berechnet werden.

Laufzeit: 2014-2016
Projektleiter: Dr. Marc Kriege, PD Dr. Rüdiger Noppens

Evaluation of Video Laryngoscopy (Video Macintosh-blade) and Direct Laryngoscopy

As airway management continues to evolve the investigators do not have an accurate statement of the success of direct laryngoscopy in daily clinical practice. The use of videolaryngoscopy is increasing as a technique for rescue intubation as well as for elective intubation. Current airway management guidelines recommend video-assisted laryngoscopy as a choice for basic airway management. This is a proposed comparison study of a video laryngoscope, use in the daily anesthesia practice, and its likely increased success compared to direct laryngoscopy. An national, mono center, prospective randomized comparative trial (RCT) is proposed testing the superiority of oral tracheal intubation with the McGrath® MAC versus conventional laryngoscope in adult patients under general anaesthesia.

Laufzeit: 2015-2017
Projektleiter: PD Dr. Gunther Pestel, Dr. Kimiko Fukui

A comparison of several ways to assess Pulse Wave Transit Time (PWTT) to find “best-PWTT” for prediction of fluid responsiveness

Pulse wave transit time (PWTT) is a flow-based non-invasive monitoring parameter which consists out of the two parts pre-ejection period (PEP) and vessel transit time (VTT). The respiratory variation of PEP (ΔPEP) has been shown to be a predictor of fluid responsiveness (1). For assessing blood pressure, PEP+VTT=PWTT has been found more suitable than PEP alone (2). Thus, PWTT or the respiratory variation of PWTT (ΔPWTT) might be a predictor of fluid responsiveness.
Whilst PWTT can be assessed using a standard monitoring only including ECG and pulsoxymetry, so far it is unknown how to obtain PWTT correctly in a clinical setting. Therefore, this study was conducted to find “best-PWTT” for predicting fluid responsiveness in the perioperative setting compared to ΔPP.
We enrolled 40 patients scheduled for major urological surgery with an expected fluid turnover intraoperatively. In case of hypovolemia a fluid bolus of 7 ml/kg ideal body weight was administered at the discretion of the attending anaesthetist. An increase in stroke volume of 10% as captured by Oesophageal Doppler Monitoring was considered to reflect fluid responsiveness.
The assessment of ΔPP was performed after cannulation of the non-dominant hand by reliable standard monitoring technology.
Beginning of PWTT was detected by either R-wave in the ECG, or Q-wave in the ECG. End of PWTT was detected by pulse oximetry either at the finger, or the ear lobe. PWTT measurements were either corrected by Bazett’s formula (3), or were left uncorrected. PWTT was analyzed either as monitored, or the respiratory variation of PWTT (ΔPWTT) was analyzed. ROC curves and corresponding AUCs were used to compare the 16 methods of determing PWTT and to compare ΔPWTT and ΔPP, a Wilcoxon test was used to discriminate fluid responders from non-responders.
Various ways to assess PWTT are not created equal: “Best-PWTT” is assessed by the respiratory variation of PWTT (ΔPWTT), with the heart rate corrected by Bazett’s formula, the beginning of PWTT to be detected by the R-wave in ECG, and pulse oximetry attached at the earlobe.
AUC was 0.7164 for ΔPWTT, and 0.6265 for ΔPP, respectively. The Wilcoxon test showed a p-value of 0.014 for ΔPWTT, and 0.008 for ΔPP, respectively. ΔPWTT shows promise as a noninvasive parameter to predict fluid responsiveness.

1) Bendjelid K et al, J Appl Phys 2004;96:337-42. 2) Ahlstrom C et al, J Artif Organs 2005;8:192-7, 3) Bazett HC. Heart 1920;7:353–70.

Laufzeit: 2016-2017
Projektleiter: PD Dr. Gunther Pestel

Evaluation of intraoperative process quality regarding effectiveness of pain management and mobilization progress after implementation of a new treatment bundle for endoprothetic procedures (patient-centered perioperative care - patientenzentrierte perioperative Versorgung (PPV))

With implementation of a new treatment bundle in endoprothetic procedures (modified approaches in anesthesiology and surgery, pain therapy and early rehabilitation) University Medical Center Mainz further improves its strive for optimized patient-centered perioperative care. This approach puts emphasis both on patients’ comfort issues like early discharge and approved measures of perioperative treatment. An approach like this has been pioneered in the United States (PSH: perioperative surgical home), but has not been evaluated within the German framework of health service.
This pilot study compares aspects of process quality (reduction in induction time) and clinical quality measurements (sufficient pain therapy, mobilization success) in one group undergoing endoprothetic surgery after implementation of the new treatment bundle, and a control group before implementation of the treatment bundle. It is a monocenter study using matched-pair control. Matching criteria are age, sex, body mass index and ASA-PS class. A total of 34 patients will be enrolled.
Primary outcome is reduction in induction time, secondary outcomes are pain intensity and mobilization progress after the procedure. We hypothesize that the new treatment bundle reduces induction time by unchanged results for pain intensity and mobilization progress.


Laufzeit: 2015-2018
Projektleiter: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Schäfer, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frauke Zipp

Molecular Mechanisms and Neuronal Homeostasis during Inflammatory Processes in the CNS

The overall goal of this project is to identify novel molecules and mechanisms for neuronal homeostasis in response to immune cell infiltration in the CNS (SFB 1080 Project B6)

Laufzeit: 2013-2016
Projektleiter: PD Dr. Serge Thal, Dr. Anne Sebastiani

Posttraumatic anesthetic neurotoxicity

Investigation of potential neurotoxic effects of delayed administration of anesthetic agents in a TBI model in mice and characterisation of potential mechanisms.

Sebastiani Anne, Goelz Christina, Werner Christian, Schaefer Michael K. E., Engelhard Kristin, Thal Serge C.. Proneurotrophin Binding to P75 Neurotrophin Receptor (P75ntr) Is Essential for Brain Lesion Formation and Functional Impairment after Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury. JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA 2015; 32 (20): 1599-1607

Laufzeit: 2014-2017
Projektleiter: Dr. Eva Wittenmeier, Dr. Isabella Schmeh, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eva Mildenberger

Valididation of non-invasive bedsite measurement of hemoglobin concentration in premature and mature babies (Hb for Babies)

Die Bestimmung der Hämoglobinkonzentration Früh- und Neugeborener erfolgt im Regelfall mittels einer laborseitigen Analyse im Coulter Counter (Blutbild). Diese Analyse wird als Goldstandard angesehen. Auch kann Messung der Hämoglobinkonzentration  bettseitig zusammen mit der Blutgasanalyse oder allein als spektrophotometrische Messung aus einer Blutprobe erfolgen. Neuer ist eine bettseitige, nicht-invasive Methode der Bestimmung der Hämoglobinkonzentration mittels Pulscooxymeter. Die Studie untersucht die Genauigkeit der Messmethoden im Verhältnis zum Goldstandard. Es soll insbesondere untersucht werden, ob die Methode für Früh- und Neugeborene geeignet ist und ob das bei dieser Patientenpopulation erhöht vorliegende HbF einen Einfluss auf die Messgenauigkeit hat.

Laufzeit: 2016-2017


Boettiger B. W., Bossaert L. L., Castren M., Cimpoesu D., Georgiou M., Greif R., Gruenfeld M., Lockey A., Lott C., Maconochie I., Melieste R., Monsieurs K. G., Nolan J. P., Perkins G. D., Raffay V., Schlieber J., Semeraro F., Soar J., Truhlar A., Van de Voorde P., Wyllie J., Wingen S.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Lott C.
Kids Save Lives ERC-Position Statement on School Children Education in the Resuscitation "Hands that help Training children is Training for Life"
NOTFALL & RETTUNGSMEDIZIN. 2016; 19 (6): 488-490 Article
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Bottiger B. W., Bossaert L. L., Castren M., Cimpoesu D., Georgiou M., Greif R., Grunfeld M., Lockey A., Lott C., Maconochie I., Melieste R., Monsieurs K. G., Nolan J. P., Perkins G. D., Raffay V., Schlieber J., Semeraro F., Soar J., Truhlar A., Van de Voorde P., Wyllie J., Wingen S.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Lott C.
Kids Save Lives - ERC position statement on school children education in CPR. "Hands that help - Training children is training for life"
RESUSCITATION. 2016; 105: A1-A3 Editorial Material
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Broggini Thomas, Schnell Lisa, Ghoochani Ali, Mateos Jose Maria, Buchfelder Michael, Wiendieck Kurt, Schaefer Michael K., Eyupoglu Ilker Y., Savaskan Nicolai E. .
Autoren der Einrichtung: Schaefer Michael K.
Plasticity Related Gene 3 (PRG3) overcomes myelin-associated growth inhibition and promotes functional recovery after spinal cord injury
AGING-US. 2016; 8 (10): 2463-+ Article
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Campos-Pires Rita, Armstrong Scott, Sebastiani Anne, Luh Clara, Gruss Marco, Radyushkin Konstantin, Hirnet Tobias, Engelhard Kristin, Franks Nicholas P., Thal Serge C., Dickinson Robert
Autoren der Einrichtung: Sebastiani Anne, Luh Clara, Hirnet Tobias, Engelhard Kristin, Thal Serge C.
Weitere Autoren des Fachbereichs: Radyushkin Konstantin
Xenon provides short-term and long-term neuroprotection in a rodent model of traumatic brain injury
BRAIN INJURY. 2016; 30 (5-6): 653-653 Meeting Abstract
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Dette Frank G., Graf Juergen, Cassel Werner, Lloyd-Jones Carla, Boehm Stefan, Zoremba Martin, Schramm Patrick, Pestel Gunther, Thal Serge C.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Dette Frank G., Schramm Patrick, Pestel Gunther, Thal Serge C.
Combination of STOP-Bang Score with Mallampati Score fails to improve specificity in the prediction of sleep-disordered breathing
MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA. 2016; 82 (6): 625-634 Article
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Dette Frank G., Graf Juergen, Cassel Werner, Lloyd-Jones Carla, Boehm Stefan, Zoremba Martin, Schramm Patrick, Pestel Gunther, Thal Serge C.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Dette Frank G., Schramm Patrick, Pestel Gunther, Thal Serge C.
Low specificity needs to be considered when STOP-Bang or Mallampati score are used to identify patients at risk for sleep apnea
MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA. 2016; 82 (8): 915-916 Letter
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Engelhard K.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Engelhard K.
ANAESTHESIST. 2016; 65 (2): 151-160 Article
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Feldmann L. K., Le Prieult F., Felzen V., Thal S., Behl C., Engelhard K., Mittmann T.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Thal S., Engelhard K.
Weitere Autoren des Fachbereichs: Feldmann L. K., Le Prieult F., Felzen V., Behl C., Mittmann T.
Traumatic brain injury induces changes in synaptic long-term plasticity connected to alterations in protein degradation systems
ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA. 2016; 216: Meeting Abstract
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Garcia-Bardon Andreas, Thal Serge C.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Garcia-Bardon Andreas, Thal Serge C.
Normalization with Corresponding Naive Tissue Minimizes Bias Caused by Commercial Reverse Transcription Kits on Quantitative Real-Time PCR Results
PLoS One. 2016; 11 (11): Article
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Gockel Ines, Niebisch Stefan, Ahlbrand Constantin Johannes, Hoffmann Christian, Moehler Markus, Dueber Christoph, Lang Hauke, Heid Florian
Autoren der Einrichtung: Heid Florian
Weitere Autoren des Fachbereichs: Gockel Ines, Niebisch Stefan, Ahlbrand Constantin Johannes, Hoffmann Christian, Moehler Markus, Dueber Christoph, Lang Hauke
Risk and Complication Management in Esophageal Cancer Surgery: A Review of the Literature
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Heid Florian, Bender Carolin, Gervais Hendrik, Schmeck Joachim, Kohnen Wolfgang, Noppens Ruediger
Autoren der Einrichtung: Heid Florian, Gervais Hendrik, Schmeck Joachim, Noppens Ruediger
Weitere Autoren des Fachbereichs: Kohnen Wolfgang
Microbial contamination of anesthetic syringes in relation to different handling habits
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Hilbert-Carius P., Helm M., Lier H., Fischer M., Hofmann G., Lott C., Wurmb T., Bauer M., Winning J., Boettiger B. W., Bernhard M.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Lott C.
To see clearly, a Change of the Viewing Direction is often sufficient
UNFALLCHIRURG. 2016; 119 (4): 323-326 Article
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Hopprich A., Guenther L. D., Laufenberg-Feldmann R., Reinholz U., Weber M.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Laufenberg-Feldmann R.
Weitere Autoren des Fachbereichs: Hopprich A., Guenther L. D., Reinholz U., Weber M.
Palliative Sedation on a University Palliative Ward
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Hossfeld Bjoern, Bein Bertold, Boettiger Bernd W., Bohn Andreas, Fischer Matthias, Graesner Jan-Thorsten, Hinkelbein Jochen, Kill Clemens, Lott Carsten, Popp Erik, Roessler Markus, Schaumberg Alin, Wenzel Volker, Bernhard Michael
Autoren der Einrichtung: Lott Carsten
Recommended practice for out-of-hospital emergency anaesthesia in adults: Statement from the Out-of-Hospital Emergency Anaesthesia Working Group of the Emergency Medicine Research Group of the German Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY. 2016; 33 (12): 881-897 Article
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Huang Changsheng, Sakry Dominik, Menzel Lutz, Dangel Larissa, Sebastiani Anne, Kraemer Tobias, Karram Khalad, Engelhard Kristin, Trotter Jacqueline, Schaefer Michael K. E.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Huang Changsheng, Menzel Lutz, Dangel Larissa, Sebastiani Anne, Kraemer Tobias, Engelhard Kristin, Schaefer Michael K. E.
Lack of NG2 Exacerbates Neurological Outcome and Modulates Glial Responses After Traumatic Brain Injury
GLIA. 2016; 64 (4): 507-523 Article
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Jaenig Christoph, Wenzel Julia, Koenig Jochem, Piepho Tim
Autoren der Einrichtung: Piepho Tim
Weitere Autoren des Fachbereichs: Koenig Jochem
Airway management techniques in a restricted-access situation: a manikin study
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Klein Klaus U., Schramm Patrick, Werner Christian, Engelhard Kristin
Autoren der Einrichtung: Klein Klaus U., Schramm Patrick, Werner Christian, Engelhard Kristin
Sevoflurane-induced reduction of bispectral index does not affect human cerebral microcirculation
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Klein Klaus U., Schramm Patrick, Werner Christian, Engelhard Kristin
Autoren der Einrichtung: Klein Klaus U., Schramm Patrick, Werner Christian, Engelhard Kristin
Sevoflurane-induced reduction of bispectral index does not affect human cerebral microcirculation
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Klein Klaus U., Johannes Amelie, Brueckner Melanie, Thomas Rainer, Matthews Stephan, Frauenknecht Katrin, Leukel Petra, Mazur Johanna, Poplawski Alicia, Muellenbach Ralf, Sommer Clemens J., Thal Serge C., Engelhard Kristin
Autoren der Einrichtung: Klein Klaus U., Brueckner Melanie, Thomas Rainer, Matthews Stephan, Thal Serge C., Engelhard Kristin
Weitere Autoren des Fachbereichs: Frauenknecht Katrin, Leukel Petra, Mazur Johanna, Poplawski Alicia, Sommer Clemens J.
Systemic Pao(2) Oscillations Cause Mild Brain Injury in a Pig Model
CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2016; 44 (5): E253-E263 Article
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Laufenberg-Feldmann Rita, Kappis Bernd, Mauff Susanne, Schmidtmann Irene, Ferner Marion
Autoren der Einrichtung: Laufenberg-Feldmann Rita, Kappis Bernd, Mauff Susanne, Ferner Marion
Weitere Autoren des Fachbereichs: Schmidtmann Irene
Prevalence of pain 6 months after surgery: a prospective observational study
BMC ANESTHESIOLOGY. 2016; 16: Article
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Laufenberg-Feldmann R., Kappis B., Schuster M., Ferner M.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Laufenberg-Feldmann R., Kappis B., Schuster M., Ferner M.
Relevance of preoperative anxiety for postoperative outcome in urological surgery patients
SCHMERZ. 2016; 30 (2): 166-173 Article
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Laufenberg-Feldmann, Rita R.L., Ferner, Marion M.F., Mauff, Susanne S.M., Strys, Lydia L.S., Schuster, Michael M.S.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Laufenberg-Feldmann, Rita R.L., Ferner, Marion M.F., Mauff, Susanne S.M., Strys, Lydia L.S., Schuster, Michael M.S.
Intraoperative transfusion practices in Europe.
Br. J. Anesth. 2016; 116 (2): 255-61

Lohse Jana, Noppens Ruediger
Autoren der Einrichtung: Lohse Jana, Noppens Ruediger
Awake Video Laryngoscopy - An Alternative to awake Fiberoptic Intubation?
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Lohse J. A., Piepho T., Noppens R. R.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Lohse J. A., Piepho T., Noppens R. R.
Awake video laryngoscopy - A revolution in the management of the anticipated difficult airway?
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Menzel Lutz, Paterka Magdalena, Bittner Stefan, White Robin, Bobkiewicz Wiesia, van Horssen Jack, Schachner Melitta, Witsch Esther, Kuhlmann Tanja, Zipp Frauke, Schaefer Michael K. E.
Seniorautoren: Zipp Frauke, Schaefer Michael K. E.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Menzel Lutz, Bobkiewicz Wiesia, Schaefer Michael K. E.
Weitere Autoren des Fachbereichs: Paterka Magdalena, Bittner Stefan, White Robin, Witsch Esther, Zipp Frauke
Down-regulation of neuronal L1 cell adhesion molecule expression alleviates inflammatory neuronal injury
ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA. 2016; 132 (5): 703-720 Article
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Ott T., Schmidtmann I., Limbach T., Gottschling P. F., Buggenhagen H., Kurz S., Pestel G.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Ott T., Limbach T., Gottschling P. F., Buggenhagen H., Kurz S., Pestel G.
Weitere Autoren des Fachbereichs: Schmidtmann I.
Simulation-based training and OR apprenticeship for medical students. A prospective, randomized, single-blind study of clinical skills
ANAESTHESIST. 2016; 65 (11): 822-831 Article
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Pestel Gunther
Autoren der Einrichtung: Pestel Gunther
Highest level of clinical competence for endovascular interventions
ANAESTHESIST. 2016; 65 (12): 889-890 Editorial Material
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Pirlich N., Lohse J. A., Schmidtmann I., Didion N., Piepho T., Noppens R. R.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Pirlich N., Lohse J. A., Didion N., Piepho T., Noppens R. R.
Weitere Autoren des Fachbereichs: Schmidtmann I.
A comparison of the Enk Fiberoptic Atomizer Set with boluses of topical anaesthesia for awake fibreoptic intubation
ANAESTHESIA. 2016; 71 (7): 814-822 Article
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Pirlich N., Lohse J. A., Noppens R. R.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Pirlich N., Lohse J. A., Noppens R. R.
Airway topical anaesthesia for awake fibreoptic intubation - a reply
ANAESTHESIA. 2016; 71 (12): 1490-1491 Letter
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Pirlich Nina, Noppens Ruediger R.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Pirlich Nina, Noppens Ruediger R.
Local airway anaesthesia for awake fibreoptic intubation
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Schramm P., Tzanova I., Hagen F., Berres M., Closhen D., Pestel G., Engelhard K.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Schramm P., Tzanova I., Hagen F., Closhen D., Pestel G., Engelhard K.
Weitere Autoren des Fachbereichs: Berres M.
Cerebral oxygen saturation and cardiac output during anaesthesia in sitting position for neurosurgical procedures: a prospective observational study
BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA. 2016; 117 (4): 482-488 Article
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Sebastiani Anne, Granold Matthias, Ditter Anja, Sebastiani Philipp, Goelz Christina, Poettker Bruno, Luh Clara, Schaible Eva-Verena, Radyushkin Konstantin, Timaru-Kast Ralph, Werner Christian, Schaefer Michael K., Engelhard Kristin, Moosmann Bernd, Thal Serge C.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Sebastiani Anne, Ditter Anja, Sebastiani Philipp, Goelz Christina, Poettker Bruno, Luh Clara, Schaible Eva-Verena, Timaru-Kast Ralph, Werner Christian, Schaefer Michael K., Engelhard Kristin, Thal Serge C.
Weitere Autoren des Fachbereichs: Granold Matthias, Moosmann Bernd
Posttraumatic Propofol Neurotoxicity Is Mediated via the Pro-Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor-p75 Neurotrophin Receptor Pathway in Adult Mice
CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2016; 44 (2): E70-E82 Article
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Terpolilli Nicole A., Feiler Sergej, Dienel Ari, Mueller Frank, Heumos Nicole, Friedrich Benjamin, Stover John, Thal Serge, Schoeller Karsten, Plesnila Nikolaus
Autoren der Einrichtung: Thal Serge
Nitric oxide inhalation reduces brain damage, prevents mortality, and improves neurological outcome after subarachnoid hemorrhage by resolving early pial microvasospasms
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Thomas Rainer, Thal Serge
Autoren der Einrichtung: Thomas Rainer, Thal Serge
Case Report 40-year-old Patient with Massive Bleeding Undergoing Cesarean Section
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Wittenmeier Eva, Goeters Christiane, Becke Karin
Autoren der Einrichtung: Wittenmeier Eva
Patient Blood Management Does the Approach also make sense in Children?
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Stefan Barzen
Evaluation eines neu implementierten Kurses für Studierende der Medizin im Praktischen Jahr

Sophia Livia Renate Bellosevich
Der Einfluss von inhalativen Anästhetika auf die nicht-invasive Hämoglobin-Messung des Masimo® Radical-7 bei Kleinkindern

Carina Friedrich
Funktion und Regulation neurotropher Moleküle nach experimenteller Hirnschädigung

Tilman Gööck
Vergleichbarkeit der invasiv und nicht-invasiv gemessenen hämodynamischen Parameter während Lagerungsänderungen bei Eingriffen an der hinteren Schädelgrube in sitzender Position

Maren Hoffmann
Studie zur Untersuchung von Von-Willebrand-Faktor, Faktor VIII und ADAMTS13 bei Patienten mit chronischen Schmerzen

Katharina Kriege
Atemwegssicherung unter Geburt: Risikoanalyse und Strategieentwurf zum anästhesiologischen Management

Oliver Kriege
Limitationen der Vergleichbarkeit von real-time PCR Daten - Einfluss der Gewebeentnahme Technik auf mRNA-Ergebnisse

Pauline Lohr
Detektion einer venösen Luftembolie mittels transösophagealer Echocardiographie und präcordialem Doppler bei gefäßfernen Eingriffen an der cervicalen Wirbelsäule in sitzender Position

Jana Aline Lohse
Vergleichende Untersuchung zwischen konventioneller und modifizierter "Spray-as-you-go" Schleimhautanästhesie mit dem "Enk Fiberoptic Atomizer Set" zur fiberoptischen Wachintubation

Ivan Petković
Rolle der PAI-1 modulierten Fibrinolyse beim sekundären posttraumatischen Hirnschaden der Maus

Adrian-Hennig Treiber
Änderung cerebraler Oxygenierungs- und Perfusionsparameter im Rahmen robotischer Prostatektomie


Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Marc Bodenstein,
"Untersuchungen zum beatmungsassoziierten Lungenschaden: Detektion von atemzyklischem Rekrutieren von Atelektasen mittels elektrischer Impedanz und Computertomographie und Oszillationen der Sauerstoffsättigung"

Prof. Dr. med. Erik Kristoffer Hartmann,
"Untersuchungen zu Ventilations-Perfusions-Missverhältnis und Ödemreabsorption nach akuter Lungenschädigung im Großtiermodell"

PD Dr. med. habil. Patrick Schramm
Regulation der Gehirndurchblutung bei intensivmedizinisch behandelten Patienten und deren Beeinflussung durch therapeutische Maßnahmen

Verschiedene wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten


Dr. Anne Sebastiani
Dagmar Eißner Award