Institute of Immunology

Direktor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Schild


Facility Statistics

Doctoral Theses1

Research Projects

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Tobias Bopp, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frauke Zipp

CRC-TR-128, Project B4: Impact of antigen-presenting cells on T cell responses in chronic neuroinflammation

Project B4: Impact of antigen-presenting cells on T cell responses in chronic neuroinflammation

Duration: 2012-2016
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Tobias Bopp, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frauke Zipp

CRC-TR-128 Project B04: T helper cell balance in chronic neuroinflammation – influence by antigen-presenting cells

Project B04: T helper cell balance in chronic neuroinflammation – influence by antigen-presenting cells

Duration: 2016-2020
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Tobias Bopp, PD Dr. Christian Becker

Development and testing of nanoparticles for inhibition of cAMP-mediated immunosuppression of malignant melanoma

SFB 1066/1, Teilprojekt B08

Duration: 2013-2017
Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Bopp

Inneruniversitäre Forschungsförderung (IFF)

Inneruniversitäre Forschungsförderung

Duration: 2016
Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Bopp, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Edgar Schmitt

Transcription factors of murine regulatory T cells and suppressed CD4+ T cells: Identification and functional analyses (DFG)

DFG BO 3306/1-1

Transkriptionelle Regulation in murinen regulatorischen T-Zellen und supprimierten T-Zellen: Identifizierung und funktionelle Analyse

Duration: 2014-2016
Project leader: Dr. Ute Distler

Inneruniversitäre Forschungsförderung (IFF), Dr. Distler

Inneruniversitäre Forschungsförderung

Duration: 2016-2017
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Markus Radsak, PD Dr. Michael Stassen

Transcutaneous immunization: Mechanisms of intracellular networks of the skin (TRR156, A05)

Wir haben eine Methode zur transkutanen Immunisierung (TCI) etabliert, bei der der TLR7-Agonist Imiquimod zusammen mit einem CD8 T-Zell Epitop auf intakte Maushaut aufgetragen wird. In Fortführung unserer bisherigen Arbeit untersuchen wir die Funktionen von myeloischen Zellen in der Haut, wie Dendritische Zellen, Makrophagen, Neutrophile und Mastzellen, um Zellen und Mediatoren zu identifizieren, welche den Erfolg der TCI positiv oder negativ beeinflussen. Als Perspektive möchten wir die TCI und insbesondere die Induktion von T-Gedächtniszellen optimieren.

Duration: 2015-2019
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Krishna Rajalingam, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frauke Zipp

CRC-TR-128, Project B9: Molecular Mechanisms of immune-mediated neurodegeneration

Molecular Mechanisms of immune-mediated neurodegeneration

Duration: 2012-2016
Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Krishnaraj Rajalingam

Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of Caspase-2 activation (DFG)

Aufklärung der molekularen Mechanismen zur Caspase-2 Aktivierung.

Duration: 2013-2016
Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Krishnaraj Rajalingam

ERK cancer target

ERK cancer target

Duration: 2016-2017
Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Krishnaraj Rajalingam

Gutenberg Forschungskolleg (GFK) Fellowship


Duration: 2015-2019
Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Krishnaraj Rajalingam

Heisenberg (DFG)

Heisenberg (DFG)

Duration: 2014-2019
Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Krishnaraj Rajalingam

Role of IAP-IAP complexes (BIF Plus 3 Project)

Role of IAP-IAP complexes (BIF Plus 3 Project)

Duration: 2015-2016
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Ugur Sahin, Prof. Dr. Edgar Schmitt

Targeted Inflammation ¿ Verbesserung der Immigration von Leukozyten in das Tumorbett durch Polymer-vermittelte Aktivierung des Tumorendothels (SFB 1066)

SFB 1066/1, Teilprojekt B01

Duration: 2013-2017
Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Schild, Dr. Hans Christian Probst

Functional analysis of skin subsets of dendritic cells in T cell priming and tolerance using inducible transgenic mice that allow subset specific antigen expression (TRR156, B02)

Funktionelle Analyse der Subpopulationen dendritischer Zellen der Haut mittels subpopulations-spezifischer Antigen Expression in induzierbaren transgenen Mäusen

Duration: 2015-2019
Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Schild, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Grabbe

Polymer-mediated in situ activation of dendritic cells for tumor immunotherapy

SFB 1066/1, Teilprojekt B04

Duration: 2013-2017
Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Edgar Schmitt, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Bopp

Transcription factors of murine regulatory T cells and suppressed CD4+ T cells: Identification and functional analyses

DFG SCHM 1014/7-1

Duration: 2014-2016
Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Detef Schuppan, Prof. Dr. Stefan Tenzer

Wheat sensitivity: Impact of wheat varieties and growing conditions on innate immunity

Wheat sensitivity: Impact of wheat varieties and growing conditions on innate immunity

Duration: 2016-2019
Project leader: PD Dr. M Stassen

Forschungszentrum Immunologie (FZI), Asthma Core Facility CF1

FZI-Asthma Core Facility (CF1)

Duration: 2014-2017
Project leader: PD Dr. Michael Stassen

Interactions between mast cells and neutrophils in murine models of acute inflammation (DFG)

Neutrophile Granulocyten sind ein zentraler Bestandteil der angeborenen Immunabwehr gegen pathogene Mikroorganismen. Verschiedene Mausmodelle für akute Entzündungen erlauben den Schluß, daß die rasche Rekrutierung neutrophiler Granulocyten in das entzündete Gewebe durch Mastzellen ausgelöst werden kann. Nach ihrer Aktivierung können Mastzellen sehr schnell gespeicherte und neu synthetisierte Mediatoren freisetzen, welche auf die Blutgefäße auskleidenden Endothelzellen wirken. Diese Aktivierung des Endothels ist eine Grundvoraussetzung für das Andocken und die Extravasation neutrophiler Granulocyten. In diesem Zusammenhang zeigen unsere Pilotstudien im Maussystem, daß Mastzellen auch direkt die Aktivierung neutrophiler Granulocyten in fördern können. Insbesondere die Neutrophilen Phagocytose wird in Gegenwart aktivierter Mastzellen erheblich verstärkt. Interessanterweise zeigen unsere bisherigen Daten, daß aktivierte neutrophile Granulocyten ihrerseits ko-aktivierende Signale für Mastzellen liefern können, bezogen auf Degranulation und die Produktion von Mastzell-Cytokinen. Dieses Wechselspiel zwischen Mastzellen und neutrophilen Granulocyten ist bisher weitgehend unbekannt und soll Gegenstand des vorliegenden Projektes sein. Untersuchungen an isolierten Populationen beider Zelltypen in vitro sollen Aufschluß über die zu Grunde liegenden Mechanismen dieses Wechselspiels liefern. Dieser Ansatz soll durch Tierversuche untermauert werden, in denen verschiedene Stämme mastzelloser Mäuse in Modellen für akute Entzündungen eingesetzt werden.

Duration: 2012-2017
Project leader: Dr. Stefan Tenzer, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Schild

e:Bio - Module 1: Express2Present - an integrative model to predict MHC class-I presented peptide ligands (BMBF)

e:Bio - Modul I - Verbundprojekt: Expression2Presentation: ein integratives Modell zur Prädikation von MHC Klasse I-präsentierten Peptidliganden

Duration: 2013-2016
Project leader: Dr. Stefan Tenzer

Forschungszentrum Immunologie (FZI), Core Facility Massenspektrometrie CF7

FZI-Massenspektrometrie Core Facility (CF7)

Duration: 2014-2017
Project leader: Dr. Stefan Tenzer

Funktionelle Charakterisierung der zellspezifischen Unterschiede von L. major Phagolysosomen in Makrophagen und dendritischen Zellen (DFG)

Funktionelle Charakterisierung der zellspezifischen Unterschiede von L. major Phagolysosomen in Makrophagen und dendritischen Zellen

Duration: 2014-2017
Project leader: Dr. Stefan Tenzer, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ruth Esther von Stebut-Borschitz

Identification and characterization of L. major T cell epitopes based on quantitative proteomics (DFG)

Leishmaniasis is a disease observed after inoculation of a protozoan parasite into the skin inducing symptoms ranging from local, self-limiting lesions to life-threatening visceralisation. Protective immunity against Leishmania is mediated by antigen specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells which are primed by dendritic cells infected with the amastigote life form. As currently no vaccine exists, identification of protective T cell epitopes is essential, but so far only two CD4 epitopes have been characterized. Therefore, we aim to identify and characterize potential protective T cell epitopes derived from Leishmania major. Towards this purpose, we will partition the proteome of L. major promastigote and amastigote life forms by chromatographic and ultracentrifugation techniques. Using label-free quantitative mass spectrometry, we will identify abundant and/or stage-specific proteins constituting potential sources for T cell epitopes. We will then select epitope candidates applying in silico predictions for MHC binding affinity or by peptide library screening. Candidates will then be assayed for immunoreactivity both in vitro (binding affinity to MHC class I and II, induction of cytokine release and proliferation of T cells), and in vivo (immunizations) followed by detailed analyses of immunodominance, mechanisms of antigen uptake, processing of parasite life form-specific epitopes, and potential immune evasion mechanisms.

Duration: 2012-2016
Project leader: Dr. Stefan Tenzer

Weizensensitivität: Einfluss von Weizensorten und Anbaubedingungen auf die angeborene Immunität (DFG)

Weizensensitivität: Einfluss von Weizensorten und Anbaubedingungen auf die angeborene Immunität

Duration: 2016-2019
Project leader: Dr. Alexander Ulges

Inneruniversitäre Forschungsförderung (IFF), Dr. Ulges

Inneruniversitäre Forschungsförderung

Duration: 2016
Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frauke Zipp

CRC-TR-128: Initiating/effector versus regulatory mechanisms in Multiple Sclerosis – progress towards tackling the disease

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the most common chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS) in the western world and it leads to devastating disability in young adults, with only limited treatment options currently available. The socioeconomic burden of this disease is tremendous, since healthcare costs are very high and it affects decisions young patients must make for the rest of their lives. Findings in patients are a complex composite of inflammation (with demyelination, remyelination, axonal/neuronal damage) typically in subcortical, but also cortical, disseminated lesions as well as neurodegeneration. Remissions of clinical relapses point to repair capacities of the CNS, which exhibits strong interindividual and course dependent differences.

Spokesperson: Prof. Frauke Zipp (Department of Neurology)

Projects with a co-PI from Mainz
  • A3: G protein-mediated signaling in immune cells: implications for neuroinflammation (Wettschureck/Kurschus)
  • B4: Impact of antigen-presenting cells on T cell responses in chronic neuroinflammation (Zipp/Bopp)
  • B5: Imaging of damage and repair in MS patients – Impact of new lesions on network activity (Deichmann/Zipp)
  • B9: Molecular mechanisms underlying T cell mediated neuronal damage (Zipp/Rajalingam)
  • A7: Sources and functional significance of IL-6 in shaping autoreactive T cell responses in the peripheral immune compartment and the CNS (Waisman/Korn)
  • A9: Analysis and therapeutic modification of T cell responses in multiple sclerosis (Jonuleit/Wiendl)
  • B7: Oligodendrocyte progenitor cells in de- and remyelination: release of differentiation brakes in mouse and human cells (Trotter-Kyewski/Kuhlmann)
  • Z2: Clinical translational unit: Immunobiology of distinct patient phenotypes (Wiendl/Hemmer/Hohlfeld/Zipp)

Duration: 2012-2016


Alrefai Hani, Muhammad Khalid, Rudolf Ronald, Duong Anh Thuy Pham ?, Klein-Hessling Stefan, Patra Amiya K., Avots Andris, Bukur Valesca, Sahin Ugur, Tenzer Stefan, Goebeler Matthias, Kerstan Andreas, Serfling Edgar
Autoren der Einrichtung: Sahin Ugur, Tenzer Stefan
NFATc1 supports imiquimod-induced skin inflammation by suppressing IL-10 synthesis in B cells
2016; 7:

Alrefai Hani, Muhammad Khalid, Rudolf Ronald, Duong Anh Thuy Pham ?, Klein-Hessling Stefan, Patra Amiya K., Avots Andris, Bukur Valesca, Sahin Ugur, Tenzer Stefan, Goebeler Matthias, Kerstan Andreas, Serfling Edgar
Autoren der Einrichtung: Sahin Ugur, Tenzer Stefan
NFATc1 supports imiquimod-induced skin inflammation by suppressing IL-10 synthesis in B cells (vol 7, 11724, 2016)
2016; 7:

Backes Christina, Ludwig Nicole, Leidinger Petra, Huwer Hanno, Tenzer Stefan, Fehlmann Tobias, Franke Andre, Meese Eckart, Lenhof Hans-Peter, Keller Andreas
Autoren der Einrichtung: Tenzer Stefan
Paired proteomics, transcriptomics and miRNomics in non-small cell lung cancers: known and novel signaling cascades
2016; 7 (44): 71514-71525

Becker Marc, Graf Claudine, Tonak Marcus, Radsak Markus P., Bopp Tobias, Bals Robert, Bohle Rainer M., Theobald Matthias, Rommens Pol-Maria, Proschek Dirk, Wehler Thomas C.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Radsak Markus P., Bopp Tobias
Xenograft models for undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma not otherwise specified are essential for preclinical testing of therapeutic agents
2016; 12 (2): 1257-1264

Cai Hui, Degliangeli Federica, Palitzsch Bjoern, Gerlitzki Bastian, Kunz Horst, Schmitt Edgar, Fiammengo Roberto, Westerlind Ulrika
Autoren der Einrichtung: Gerlitzki Bastian, Schmitt Edgar
Glycopeptide-functionalized gold nanoparticles for antibody induction against the tumor associated mucin-1 glycoprotein
2016; 24 (5): 1132-1135

Cheng Fei, Twardowski Laura, Reifenberg Kurt, Winter Kerstin, Canisius Antje, Pross Eva, Fan Jianglin, Schmitt Edgar, Shultz Leonard D., Lackner Karl J., Torzewski Michael
Autoren der Einrichtung: Schmitt Edgar
Combined B, T and NK Cell Deficiency Accelerates Atherosclerosis in BALB/c Mice
2016; 11 (8):

Dietze-Schwonberg K., Brosch S., van Zandbergen G., Grewe B., Schild H., Tenzer S., von Stebut E.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Schild H., Tenzer S.
A single CD8+-epitope as vaccine against murine cutaneous Leishmaniasis
2016; 25 (3): E29-E30

Distler Ute, Kuharev Joerg, Navarro Pedro, Tenzer Stefan
Autoren der Einrichtung: Distler Ute, Kuharev Joerg, Navarro Pedro, Tenzer Stefan
Label-free quantification in ion mobility-enhanced data-independent acquisition proteomics
2016; 11 (4): 795-812

Galand Claire, Leyva-Castillo Juan Manuel, Yoon Juhan, Han Alex, Lee Margaret S., McKenzie Andrew N. J., Stassen Michael, Oyoshi Michiko K., Finkelman Fred D., Geha Raif S.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Stassen Michael
IL-33 promotes food anaphylaxis in epicutaneously sensitized mice by targeting mast cells
2016; 138 (5): 1356-1366

Galand Claire, Leyva-Castillo Juan-Manuel, Geha Raif S., Yoon Juhan, Oyoshi Michiko K., Han Alex, McKenzie Andrew, Stassen Michael
Autoren der Einrichtung: Stassen Michael
IL-33 Promotes Food Anaphylaxis in Epicutaneously-Sensitized Mice By Targeting Mast Cells
2016; 137 (2): AB150-AB150

Gogoll Karsten, Stein Pamela, Lee K. D., Arnold Philipp, Peters Tanja, Schild Hansjoerg, Radsak Markus, Langguth Peter
Autoren der Einrichtung: Schild Hansjoerg
Solid nanoemulsion as antigen and immunopotentiator carrier for transcutaneous immunization
2016; 308: 35-43

Graessel Linda, Fast Laura Aline, Scheffer Konstanze D., Boukhallouk Fatima, Spoden Gilles A., Tenzer Stefan, Boller Klaus, Bago Ruzica, Rajesh Sundaresan, Overduin Michael, Berditchevski Fedor, Florin Luise
Autoren der Einrichtung: Tenzer Stefan
The CD63-Syntenin-1 Complex Controls Post-Endocytic Trafficking of Oncogenic Human Papillomaviruses
2016; 6:

Holtappels Rafaela, Podlech Juergen, Lemmermann Niels A. W., Schmitt Edgar, Reddehase Matthias J.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Schmitt Edgar
Non-cognate bystander cytolysis by clonal epitope-specific CTL lines through CD28-CD80 interaction inhibits antibody production: A potential caveat to CD8 T-cell immunotherapy
2016; 308: 44-56

Jonuleit Helmut, Bopp Tobias
Autoren der Einrichtung: Bopp Tobias
Editorial: Current Concepts of Cellular and Biological drugs to Modulate regulatory T Cell activity in the Clinic
2016; 7:

Jonuleit Helmut, Bopp Tobias, Becker Christian
Autoren der Einrichtung: Bopp Tobias
Treg cells as potential cellular targets for functionalized nanoparticles in cancer therapy
2016; 11 (20): 2699-2709

Kerstan A., Alrefai H., Muhammad K., Rudolf R., Pham D. A., Klein-Hessling S., Patra A. K., Avots A., Bukur V., Sahin U., Tenzer S., Goebeler M., Serfling E.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Tenzer S.
NFATc1 promotes imiquimod-induced skin inflammation by negatively controlling IL-10 production in B cells
2016; 25 (3): E26-E26

Klein Matthias, Bopp Tobias
Autoren der Einrichtung: Klein Matthias, Bopp Tobias
Cyclic AMP Represents a Crucial Component of Treg Cell-Mediated immune Regulation
2016; 7:

Kranz Lena M., Diken Mustafa, Haas Heinrich, Kreiter Sebastian, Loquai Carmen, Reuter Kerstin C., Meng Martin, Fritz Daniel, Vascotto Fulvia, Hefesha Hossam, Grunwitz Christian, Vormehr Mathias, Huesemann Yves, Selmi Abderraouf, Kuhn Andreas N., Buck Janina, Derhovanessian Evelyna, Rae Richard, Attig Sebastian, Diekmann Jan, Jabulowsky Robert A., Heesch Sandra, Hassel Jessica, Langguth Peter, Grabbe Stephan, Huber Christoph, Tuereci Oezlem, Sahin Ugur
Autoren der Einrichtung: Grunwitz Christian, Vormehr Mathias, Selmi Abderraouf, Attig Sebastian, Sahin Ugur
Systemic RNA delivery to dendritic cells exploits antiviral defence for cancer immunotherapy
2016; 534 (7607): 396-+

Krebs F., Hahn S., Mitzel H., Jetter A., Behling J., Wickert D., Lang B., Meissner M., Tenzer S., Grabbe S., Loquai C., Tuettenberg A.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Tenzer S.
Novel prognostic marker proteins for malignant melanoma immunotherapy
2016; 14: 23-23

Krueger Maximilian, Amort Julianna, Wilgenbus Petra, Helmstaedter Johanna P., Grechowa Irina, Ebert Julia, Tenzer Stefan, Moergel Maximilian, Witte Ines, Horke Sven
Autoren der Einrichtung: Tenzer Stefan
The anti-apoptotic PON2 protein is Wnt/beta-catenin-regulated and correlates with radiotherapy resistance in OSCC patients
2016; 7 (32): 51082-51095

Liu Xingfeng, Huai Jisen, Endle Heiko, Schlueter Leslie, Fan Wei, Li Yunbo, Richers Sebastian, Yurugi Hajime, Rajalingam Krishnaraj, Ji Haichao, Cheng Hong, Rister Benjamin, Horta Guilherme, Baumgart Jan, Berger Hendrik, Laube Gregor, Schmitt Ulrich, Schmeisser Michael J., Boeckers Tobias M., Tenzer Stefan, Vlachos Andreas, Deller Thomas, Nitsch Robert, Vogt Johannes
Autoren der Einrichtung: Yurugi Hajime, Rajalingam Krishnaraj, Tenzer Stefan
PRG-1 Regulates Synaptic Plasticity via Intracellular PP2A/beta 1-Integrin Signaling
2016; 38 (3): 275-290

Lopez Aranda P. C., Denny M., Hartmann A. -K, von Stebut-Borschitz E., Stassen M., Schild H., Theobald M., Langguth P., Radsak M. P.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Hartmann A. -K, Stassen M., Schild H.
Immunization with a solid nanoscopic imiquimod suspension enhances induction of CTL responses
2016; 39: 82-83

Lopez-Posadas Rock, Becker Christoph, Gunther Claudia, Tenzer Stefan, Amann Kerstin, Billmeier Ulrike, Atreya Raja, Fiorino Gionata, Vetrano Stefania, Danese Silvio, Ekici Arif B., Wirtz Stefan, Thonn Veronika, Watson Alastair J. M., Brakebusch Cord, Bergo Martin, Neurath Markus F., Atreya Imke
Autoren der Einrichtung: Tenzer Stefan
Rho-A prenylation and signaling link epithelial homeostasis to intestinal inflammation
2016; 126 (2): 611-626

Luther Natascha, Shahneh Fatemeh, Braehler Melanie, Krebs Franziska, Jaeckel Sven, Subramaniam Saravanan, Stanger Christian, Schoenfelder Tanja, Kleis-Fischer Bettina, Reinhardt Christoph, Probst Hans Christian, Wenzel Philip, Schaefer Katrin, Becker Christian
Autoren der Einrichtung: Probst Hans Christian
Innate Effector-Memory T-Cell Activation Regulates Post-Thrombotic Vein Wall Inflammation and Thrombus Resolution
2016; 119 (12): 1286-1295

Luther N., Bohn T., Schmitt E., Bopp T., Becker C.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Bohn T., Schmitt E., Bopp T.
Local cyclic nucleotide repression inhibits Melanoma growth
2016; 25: 11-11

Mattheus Tobias, Kukla Katharina, Zimmermann Tina, Tenzer Stefan, Lutz Beat
Autoren der Einrichtung: Tenzer Stefan
Cell Type-Specific Tandem Affinity Purification of the Mouse Hippocampal CB1 Receptor-Associated Proteome
2016; 15 (10): 3585-3601

Meier Miriam, Jaeckels Nadine, Tenzer Stefan, Stoll Manfred, Decker Heinz, Fronk Petra, Dietrich Helmut, Will Frank
Autoren der Einrichtung: Tenzer Stefan
Impact of drought stress on concentration and composition of wine proteins in Riesling
2016; 242 (11): 1883-1891

Mesen-Ramirez Paolo, Reinsch Ferdinand, Soares Alexandra Blancke, Bergmann Baerbel, Ullrich Ann-Katrin, Tenzer Stefan, Spielmann Tobias
Autoren der Einrichtung: Tenzer Stefan
Stable Translocation Intermediates Jam Global Protein Export in Plasmodium falciparum Parasites and Link the PTEX Component EXP2 with Translocation Activity
2016; 12 (5):

Moehler Markus, Delic Maike, Goepfert Katrin, Aust Daniela, Grabsch Heike I., Halama Niels, Heinrich Bernd, Julie Catherine, Lordick Florian, Lutz Manfred P., Mauer Murielle, Alsina Maqueda Maria, Schild Hansjoerg, Schimanski Carl C., Wagner Anna-Dorothea, Roth Arnaud, Ducreux Michel
Autoren der Einrichtung: Schild Hansjoerg
Immunotherapy in gastrointestinal cancer: Recent results, current studies and future perspectives
2016; 59: 160-170

Muhammad K., Alrefai H., Rudolf R., Pham D., Patra A., Klein-Hessling S., Avots A., Tenzer S., Goebeler M., Kerstan A., Serfling E.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Tenzer S.
NFATc1 supports imiquimod- induced skin inflammation by suppressing regulatory B cells
2016; 46: 1136-1136

Navarro Pedro, Kuharev Joerg, Gillett Ludovic C., Bernhardt Oliver M., MacLean Brendan, Rost Hanes L., Tate Stephen A., Tsou Chih-Chiang, Reiter Lukas, Distler Ute, Rosenberger George, Perez-Riverol Yasset, Nesvizhskii Alexey I., Aebersold Ruedi, Tenzer Stefan
Autoren der Einrichtung: Navarro Pedro, Kuharev Joerg, Distler Ute, Tenzer Stefan
A multicenter study benchmarks software tools for label-free proteome quantification
2016; 34 (11): 1130-+

Palitzsch Bjoern, Gaidzik Nikola, Stergiou Natascha, Stahn Sonja, Hartmann Sebastian, Gerlitzki Bastian, Teusch Nicole, Flemming Peer, Schmitt Edgar, Kunz Horst
Autoren der Einrichtung: Stergiou Natascha, Gerlitzki Bastian, Schmitt Edgar
A Synthetic Glycopeptide Vaccine for the Induction of a Monoclonal Antibody that Differentiates between Normal and Tumor Mammary Cells and Enables the Diagnosis of Human Pancreatic Cancer
2016; 55 (8): 2894-2898

Paterka Magdalena, Siffrin Volker, Voss Jan O., Werr Johannes, Hoppmann Nicola, Gollan Rene, Belikan Patrick, Bruttger Julia, Birkenstock Jerome, Jung Steffen, Esplugues Enric, Yogev Nir, Flavell Richard A., Bopp Tobias, Zipp Frauke
Autoren der Einrichtung: Bopp Tobias
Gatekeeper role of brain antigen-presenting CD11c(+) cells in neuroinflammation
2016; 35 (1): 89-101

Patzig Julia, Erwig Michelle S., Tenzer Stefan, Kusch Kathrin, Dibaj Payam, Moebius Wiebke, Goebbels Sandra, Schaeren-Wiemers Nicols, Nave Klaus-Armin, Werner Hauke B.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Tenzer Stefan
Septin/anillin filaments scaffold central nervous system myelin to accelerate nerve conduction
2016; 5:

Rajalingam Krishnaraj, Dikic Ivan
Autoren der Einrichtung: Rajalingam Krishnaraj
SnapShot: Expanding the Ubiquitin Code
2016; 164 (5):

Reuter Sebastian, Maxeiner Joachim, Meyer-Martin Helen, Michel Anastasija, Baars Pamela, Bopp Tobias, Waisman Ari, Reissig Sonja, Wehler Thomas C., Schild Hansjoerg, Taube Christian, Stassen Michael, Becker Marc
Autoren der Einrichtung: Maxeiner Joachim, Michel Anastasija, Baars Pamela, Bopp Tobias, Schild Hansjoerg, Stassen Michael, Becker Marc
Cylindromatosis (Cyld) gene mutation in T cells promotes the development of an IL-9-dependent allergic phenotype in experimental asthma
2016; 308: 27-34

Schermann A. I., Lorenz B., Tenzer S., von Stebut E.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Tenzer S.
Immunization with a newly identified Leishmania (L.) major-specific protein (80 kDa) promotes protection in mice against infection with L. major parasites
2016; 25 (3): E30-E30

Schirmeister Tanja, Kesselring Jochen, Jung Sascha, Schneider Thomas H., Weickert Anastasia, Becker Johannes, Lee Wook, Bamberger Denise, Wich Peter R., Distler Ute, Tenzer Stefan, Johe Patrick, Hellmich Ute A., Engels Bernd
Autoren der Einrichtung: Distler Ute, Tenzer Stefan
Quantum Chemical-Based Protocol for the Rational Design of Covalent Inhibitors
2016; 138 (27): 8332-8335

Schmidt Cornelia S., Lopez Pamela Aranda, Dopheide Joern F., Schmidt Frank, Theobald Matthias, Schild Hansjoerg, Lauinger-Loersch Evi, Nolte Florian, Radsak Markus P.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Schild Hansjoerg
Phenotypic and functional characterization of neutrophils and monocytes from patients with myelodysplastic syndrome by flow cytometry
2016; 308: 19-26

Schneider Lara, Stoeckel Daniel, Kehl Tim, Gerasch Andreas, Ludwig Nicole, Leidinger Petra, Huwer Hanno, Tenzer Stefan, Kohlbacher Oliver, Hildebrandt Andreas, Kaufmann Michael, Gessler Manfred, Keller Andreas, Meese Eckart, Graf Norbert, Lenhof Hans-Peter
Autoren der Einrichtung: Tenzer Stefan
DrugTargetInspector: An assistance tool for patient treatment stratification
2016; 138 (7): 1765-1776

Selmi Abderraouf, Vascotto Fulvia, Kautz-Neu Kordula, Tuereci Oezlem, Sahin Ugur, von Stebut Esther, Diken Mustafa, Kreiter Sebastian
Autoren der Einrichtung: Selmi Abderraouf, Sahin Ugur
Uptake of synthetic naked RNA by skin-resident dendritic cells via macropinocytosis allows antigen expression and induction of T-cell responses in mice
2016; 65 (9): 1075-1083

Shen Limei, Krauthaeuser Susanne, Fischer Karl, Hobernik Dominika, Abassi Yasmin, Dzionek Andrzej, Nikolaev Alexej, Voltz Nicole, Diken Mustafa, Krummen Mathias, Montermann Evelyn, Tubbe Ingrid, Lorenz Steffen, Strand Dennis, Schild Hansjoerg, Grabbe Stephan, Bros Matthias
Autoren der Einrichtung: Schild Hansjoerg
Vaccination with trifunctional nanoparticles that address CD8(+) dendritic cells inhibits growth of established melanoma
2016; 11 (20): 2647-2662

Shin Jaeyoung, Watanabe Shuichi, Hoelper Soraya, Krueger Marcus, Kostin Sawa, Poeling Jochen, Kubin Thomas, Braun Thomas
Autoren der Einrichtung: Shin Jaeyoung
BRAF activates PAX3 to control muscle precursor cell migration during forelimb muscle development
2016; 5:

Tenzer Stefan, Leidinger Petra, Backes Christina, Huwer Hanno, Hildebrandt Andreas, Lenhof Hans-Peter, Wesse Tanja, Franke Andre, Meese Eckart, Keller Andreas
Autoren der Einrichtung: Tenzer Stefan
Integrated quantitative proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of lung tumor and control tissue: a lung cancer showcase
2016; 7 (12): 14857-14870

Tuereci Oezlem, Vormehr Mathias, Diken Mustafa, Kreiter Sebastian, Huber Christoph, Sahin Ugur
Autoren der Einrichtung: Vormehr Mathias, Sahin Ugur
Targeting the Heterogeneity of Cancer with Individualized Neoepitope Vaccines
2016; 22 (8): 1885-1896

Tuettenberg Andrea, Hahn Susanne A., Mazur Johanna, Gerhold-Ay Aslihan, Scholma Jetse, Marg Iris, Ulges Alexander, Satoh Kazuki, Bopp Tobias, Joore Jos, Jonuleit Helmut
Autoren der Einrichtung: Ulges Alexander, Bopp Tobias
Kinome Profiling of Regulatory T Cells: A Closer Look into a Complex Intracellular Network
2016; 11 (2):

Twelkmeyer T., Schmidt V., Tenzer S., von Stebut E.
Autoren der Einrichtung: Tenzer S.
Altered maturation of L-major-containing phagosomes in dendritic cells compared to macrophages
2016; 25 (3): E31-E31

Ulges Alexander, Witsch Esther J., Pramanik Gautam, Klein Matthias, Birkner Katharina, Buehler Ulrike, Wasser Beatrice, Luessi Felix, Stergiou Natascha, Dietzen Sarah, Bruehl Till-Julius, Bohn Toszka, Buendgen Georg, Kunz Horst, Waisman Ari, Schild Hansjoerg, Schmitt Edgar, Zipp Frauke, Bopp Tobias
Autoren der Einrichtung: Ulges Alexander, Klein Matthias, Stergiou Natascha, Dietzen Sarah, Bruehl Till-Julius, Bohn Toszka, Buendgen Georg, Schild Hansjoerg, Schmitt Edgar, Bopp Tobias
Protein kinase CK2 governs the molecular decision between encephalitogenic T(H)17 cell and T-reg cell development
2016; 113 (36): 10145-10150

Vogt Johannes, Yang Jenq-Wei, Mobascher Arian, Cheng Jin, Li Yunbo, Liu Xingfeng, Baumgart Jan, Thalman Carine, Kirischuk Sergei, Unichenko Petr, Horta Guilherme, Radyushkin Konstantin, Stroh Albrecht, Richers Sebastian, Sahragard Nassim, Distler Ute, Tenzer Stefan, Qiao Lianyong, Lieb Klaus, Tuescher Oliver, Binder Harald, Ferreiros Nerea, Tegeder Irmgard, Morris Andrew J., Gropa Sergiu, Nuernberg Peter, Toliat Mohammad R., Winterer Georg, Luhmann Heiko J., Huai Jisen, Nitsch Robert
Autoren der Einrichtung: Distler Ute, Tenzer Stefan
Molecular cause and functional impact of altered synaptic lipid signaling due to a prg-1 gene SNP
2016; 8 (1): 25-38

Vormehr Mathias, Diken Mustafa, Boegel Sebastian, Kreiter Sebastian, Tuereci Oezlem, Sahin Ugur
Autoren der Einrichtung: Vormehr Mathias, Sahin Ugur
Mutanome directed cancer immunotherapy
2016; 39: 14-22

Waisman Ari, Hoevelmeyer Nadine, Diefenbach Andreas, Schuppan Detlef, Reddehase Mathhias J., Kleinert Hartmut, Kaina Bernd, Grabbe Stephan, Galle Peter R., Theobald Matthias, Zipp Frauke, Sahin Ugur, Tuereci Oeslem, Kreiter Sebastian, Langguth Peter, Decker Heinz, van Zandbergen Ger, Schild Hansjoerg
Autoren der Einrichtung: Sahin Ugur, van Zandbergen Ger, Schild Hansjoerg
Past, present and future of immunology in Mainz
2016; 308: 1-6

Wasser Beatrice, Pramanik Gautam, Hess Moritz, Klein Matthias, Luessi Felix, Dornmair Klaus, Bopp Tobias, Zipp Frauke, Witsch Esther
Autoren der Einrichtung: Klein Matthias, Bopp Tobias
Increase of Alternatively Activated Antigen Presenting Cells in Active Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis
2016; 11 (4): 721-732

Doctoral Theses

Gerd Gladigau
Die Rolle von TREM-1 und Anti-Phospholipid-Antikörpern bei der Aktivierung von neutrophilen Granulozyten im Rahmen von Autoimmunerkrankungen